Monday, August 29, 2011

We don't want hugs Frank ...

We want JOBS!

So I went and listened to Moak, Linden, Frank and Todd.

It was surreal: ALPA is committing us to go to war with Southwest Airlines.  They claim the membership got their say, but this sure as hell isn't what I wanted!

At least Frank serves it up straight.  But asking us to relax when our ship is so clearly rudderless ... I predict the AIP is going to look really appealing really soon. Think about it.  Southwest is delaying SOC for a reason. 

The AIP represented a list that would be implemented.  A guarantee.  Now it is gone and the MC "won't accept a negotiated settlement unless it provides significant improvements in pure seniority."  Common Frank!  The only way we are going to get that is in arbitration.

That means a list between relative seniority and date of hire: you guys have been saying that for almost a year.  No way SWAPA/GK swallow that.  There isn't enough money in the coffers to save the culture with a list like that.  Arbitration = nonintegration.  How can you not see that?

By the time the red flag of a retired SOC request shows up it is too late.  We need to be reasonable NOW and get on property.  Trying to get everything in our favor is childish and very risky.

As to Linden's comments: of course SWAPA is united!  They have a union that actually leads, communicated the truth and listens to their membership.  You don't get unity by asking for it, you get unity by deserving it.

Frank:  Keep you offer of a hug, or give mine to the penguin.  How about you make sure I have a job instead ...

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