Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Please don't let us become a verb!

Got this in an email yesterday (thanks Guy).  Ya gotta hope wenever hear "we got AirTraned"!

Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm stunned ...

Two radical members convinced the MEC to piss away millions for an entire pilot group.

I'm fuming

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wonder what SWAPA is thinking ....

Hope the deal is good enough for them. I think we're all ready for this be over.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

MEC approves 8-0

I'm on a trip, no details yet; I'll put them up as soon as they come in? Is it a better deal? Frank says it is not, I'm shocked that chilla voted for it! Is he still stapled?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Funny stuff in my email

From: xxxxxxxxxxxx
To: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Warning BULLSHIT attached

Below is the official letter from the SWAPA nego committee fwd to me by a wife...

Yesterday, Monday the 12th of September, in the 2011th year of our lord, the SWAPA Negotiations Committee met with the Air Tran Merger Committee and members of the SWA Management team. The meeting took place in Dallas, Texas. Texas as we all know is the 28th state to enter the United States. The weather was 98 degrees Farenheit, with no rain in the forecast. Most of you are aware that Texas is experiencing a severe drought. A drought is a phenomenon created by no rain over a period of time. The meeting was held indoors in an air conditioned environment, so the outdoor temperatures had little effect on the negotiations. Tom Winsor was wearing business slacks and a blue and white striped Polo shirt. Polo as most are aware is a high end clothing company created by Ralph Lauren in 1967. The AirTran team leader (who I am unaware of the name, but will do extensive research to find out) was wearing blue jeans and an Ozzy Osbourne concert T-shirt from the Blizzard of OZ tour. Most Texans remember that Ozzy was banned from Texas after urinating on a shrine to the heroes of the Alamo. The Alamo is a mission in San Antonio Texas that was the site of a famous battle in 1836. Davy Crockett was one of the people to die at the Alamo.

At approximately 9:31 and 25 seconds the company presented a proposal for the possible Seniority List Integration. This included details about integrating the seniority list of Air Tran and Southwest Airlines. It included lots of details about integrating seniority lists. At the time of the proposal, the Air Tran members seemed to be muttering words that should not be mentioned in official communications like this one. Our team was very thoughtful, and promised to study the matter very thoroughly. At about 10:03 and 14 seconds, Herb Kelleher swung by, made a few obscene gestures towards the AirTran members and gave a kiss on the lips to the legal secretary. (Aside--Herb rocks!!)

After the presentation, several questions were asked. One was whether or not the Cowboys would win the Super Bowl or go 0 and 16. Both of which seemed highly possible, and yet highly unlikely at the same time. Most of the other questions related to the seniority list integration. Shockingly, the AirTran team seemed to be trying to get more on their end out of the deal, and the SWAPA team seemed to be trying to get more for SWAPA out of the deal. Some questions were answered, and some were deferred until later. The Cowboys question being one of them. The Dallas Cowboys are an NFL team that joined the NFL in 1960. Interesting side note, the game against the Jets was the first time in the history of the Cowboys that they lost when being ahead by 14 points in the 4th quarter.

Anyway, we plan on meeting again some more to talk about seniority list integration things.

Thanks and fly safe!

Your SWAPA Communications Team.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

latest MC update

They sure can use a lot of words to say nothing ...

Stop stalling fellas, bring us the deal, let us vote.  Time for your power trip to end.

ATN Update:

September 13, 2011

On Monday afternoon, the Merger and Negotiating Committees (MC and NC), accompanied by ALPA Director of Representation Bruce York, and Contract Administrator Andrew Brenner, convened with the SWAPA Negotiating and Merger Committee, and representatives of Southwest management at SWA headquarters in Dallas. During the meeting, management proposed a list of conditions, restrictions and economic proposals to accompany the seniority list put forth by SWA on August 31, 2011. As with the earlier package, the documents again consist of an LOA to the AirTran-ALPA CBA, a Side Letter to the SWAPA CBA, a Dispute Resolution Agreement, and a four-party Seniority Integration Agreement.

Following a series of questions and a discussion among the parties, the Monday session adjourned, after which the MC and NC conferred amongst themselves and with counsel. Later Monday evening, the MEC was briefed on the proposal.

On Tuesday morning, the MC, NC and counsel again discussed the package and strategy going forward, and later conferred with SWA managers on several points of the company’s proposal, while offering suggestions to enhance the document. SWAPA representatives held similar meetings with management. The parties will reconvene on Wednesday morning to continue discussions.

Due to the nature of the discussions, we are unable to discuss specifics of the proposed package, and because of the current volume of calls and e-mails, it is impossible to respond individually to every pilot. However, every question and comment is reviewed by the Merger Committee, so we invite you to continue sending your merger related questions and concerns to ATNMergerQuestions@alpa.org.

In service,
Your ATN MEC Merger Committee

Monday, September 12, 2011

Forwarded from a SWA bud ...

Looks like this exact scenario has happened before:

xxxxx, xxxx,et al. Most of the summary xxxx posted is accurate. Just for the record I would like to clarify a couple of points. Muse Air began in July 1981 not 1982. We amalgamated into ALPA during the negotiations with SWAPA. Negotiations did continue beyond November 1986. TranStar pilots were offered less than date of hire integration with a 2 yr fence in the summer of 1987. The TranStar MEC lead by John X Golich did not respond to the offer within a 4day weekend take it or leave it offer. The proposal was never offered to either pilot group for ratification. It is speculative what might have occurred. Within weeks of defacto rejecting the offer SWA announced the liquidation of TranStar. I personally believe that TranStar was doomed regardless of the SLI. The history is noteworthy Visa v Airtran although the size and scope (pardon the pun!) are much greater


 Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

Saturday, September 10, 2011

All is quiet on the eastern front

Lots of noise about recalls and trying to get a new deal.

We're all just holding our breath, hoping against hope that we get another crack at getting on the SWA list.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just chillin

Out on a trip, trying not to sweat the small stuff. Lots of tension on line, folks are losing focus...

My status rep has assured me that WE WILL GET TO VOTE. I'm going to trust the word of an honorable soul and focus on my job. Too many pilots are getting too distracted by this.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Word is out:

Simpler deal this time.  A seniority list, no "bells and whistles" (I think that was Frank's words).

AirTran Pilots own the 717.
Southwest pilots own the 737.
Old payrate on the 717 until we cross.
The list provides about 150 SWA upgrades/150 FL down grades.

No 1.25 premium to fly with us (really?  you need more money to fly with me?  not feeling the love)
No furlough protections (ouch)
Old pay 'til we get over.

The MEC says it will go out for vote, but they left themselves some wiggle room (of course).

NO MORE POLITICS.  Let the pilots decide our future!

Once again the MEC holds our future in their hands ...

The petition to let us vote is gaining steam:

Anyone paying attention can plainly see that the AirTran MEC and our pilot group have ONE more chance to get this integration done: the Southwest proposed Integrated Seniority List received last week.

Reality check: Herb proposed it.  There is no one else to turn to.  All of Southwest is behind a negotiated ISL.

Our status reps are meeting RIGHT NOW and there are only two choices:

a) Give up on any attempt to negotiate a solutions.
b) Put the Merger Committee back in play, complete the work on the proposal and let the pilots vote.

Make your voice heard this time!  ATNMEC@alpa.org

For me personally this is about the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to get to Southwest Airlines.  There is not a soul here who doesn't recognize the opportunity this represents.

I don't know what threats were made or what will happen if we go to arbitration, but I do know that almost any list is better than staying AirTran.

We shouldn't base our decision on shat kind of lawsuits we can file vs what we fear might happen.  Who wants to be a "Tranny who sued his way to Southwest"?

Instead, let's recognize the opportunity staring us in the face:  the chance to be a Southwest pilots.  I want to vote and my vote is INTEGRATION!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another offer?


I'm trying to keep my cool ...

But clearly this offer will be worse than the last one, and better than the next one.  At some point the offer is going to be "TranStar".  Was that this offer?

One thing I am sure of, the MEC is already missing the SIA.

"We understand that this will generate many questions and emotions. We encourage you to continue e-mailing your merger-related comments and questions to ATNMergerQuestions@alpa.org, and visit atnmerger.alpa.org for the latest meager news."

Anyone else notice the Freudian slip typo?

A ray of sunshine?

Todd is NOT the comm chairman!  So they at least got that right ...

But Rich Murphy is on the NC?  GMAFB.  One of the biggest loud mouth idiots we have.  Always running his gums in the crew room and bar ... thinks he is smarter than anyone else ...

This has got to be the worst MEC we've ever had, not good timing.