From: xxxxxxxxxxxx
To: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Warning BULLSHIT attached
Below is the official letter from the SWAPA nego committee fwd to me by a wife...
Yesterday, Monday the 12th of September, in the 2011th year of our lord, the SWAPA Negotiations Committee met with the Air Tran Merger Committee and members of the SWA Management team. The meeting took place in Dallas, Texas. Texas as we all know is the 28th state to enter the United States. The weather was 98 degrees Farenheit, with no rain in the forecast. Most of you are aware that Texas is experiencing a severe drought. A drought is a phenomenon created by no rain over a period of time. The meeting was held indoors in an air conditioned environment, so the outdoor temperatures had little effect on the negotiations. Tom Winsor was wearing business slacks and a blue and white striped Polo shirt. Polo as most are aware is a high end clothing company created by Ralph Lauren in 1967. The AirTran team leader (who I am unaware of the name, but will do extensive research to find out) was wearing blue jeans and an Ozzy Osbourne concert T-shirt from the Blizzard of OZ tour. Most Texans remember that Ozzy was banned from Texas after urinating on a shrine to the heroes of the Alamo. The Alamo is a mission in San Antonio Texas that was the site of a famous battle in 1836. Davy Crockett was one of the people to die at the Alamo.
At approximately 9:31 and 25 seconds the company presented a proposal for the possible Seniority List Integration. This included details about integrating the seniority list of Air Tran and Southwest Airlines. It included lots of details about integrating seniority lists. At the time of the proposal, the Air Tran members seemed to be muttering words that should not be mentioned in official communications like this one. Our team was very thoughtful, and promised to study the matter very thoroughly. At about 10:03 and 14 seconds, Herb Kelleher swung by, made a few obscene gestures towards the AirTran members and gave a kiss on the lips to the legal secretary. (Aside--Herb rocks!!)
After the presentation, several questions were asked. One was whether or not the Cowboys would win the Super Bowl or go 0 and 16. Both of which seemed highly possible, and yet highly unlikely at the same time. Most of the other questions related to the seniority list integration. Shockingly, the AirTran team seemed to be trying to get more on their end out of the deal, and the SWAPA team seemed to be trying to get more for SWAPA out of the deal. Some questions were answered, and some were deferred until later. The Cowboys question being one of them. The Dallas Cowboys are an NFL team that joined the NFL in 1960. Interesting side note, the game against the Jets was the first time in the history of the Cowboys that they lost when being ahead by 14 points in the 4th quarter.
Anyway, we plan on meeting again some more to talk about seniority list integration things.
Thanks and fly safe!
Your SWAPA Communications Team.
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